Girl, Wash Your Face

Girl, Wash Your Face felt like a book I could have written myself. I mean that as a compliment to Rachel. I’m not saying I’m a great writer or trying to diminish her work since I am not a published author. I am saying it was easy to relate to all of Rachel Hollis’ stories, both good and bad. I feel like Rachel’s personality matches my own and we are already best friends, she just doesn’t know it yet. We all have insecurities and it is nice to know when we aren’t crazy or alone on those insecurities. I found myself laughing and crying right along with her in each chapter and I wanted to share what I was reading with everyone around me so they felt those same feelings too. When an author can write from a place of vulnerability and put so much of herself out there like she has it makes it easier to relate to and to understand that we aren’t all that different, even if we haven’t experienced all of the same things life throws at us. I believe acknowledging our vulnerabilities, our insecurities and our weaknesses, helps us grow and actually makes us stronger.

I will admit that when I scanned the chapter titles before I began reading the book I was hesitant to read chapter 13; The Lie: I’m Going to Marry Matt Damon. While I’m not harboring any feelings for Matt Damon, her book talks about the lies we tell ourselves and I saw Matt Damon as a metaphor for all celebrities. And honestly, I am just not in a place in my life where I want to hear that I cannot marry Chris Pratt, Chris Evans or Nick Zano. Seriously, who does she think she is? Let a girl dream! If you have read the book you’ll know that is exactly what that chapter is about; dreams. I won’t go into detail because seriously, you should read it for yourself but that chapter was not what I expected based on the chapter title. We have been told not to judge a book by its cover so maybe we should also not judge a chapter by its title? Either way, this is a book I believe you will enjoy and should read.

Have you read this book already? Tell us what you thought of it. Did you love it like I did? If you haven’t read it yet, you can click the link below to grab a copy for yourself! I highly recommend it.


Girl, Wash Your Face


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